Tattershall Parish council

Tattershall Castle EMN-160906-080553001Tattershall Castle EMN-160906-080553001
Tattershall Castle EMN-160906-080553001
In his annual report, chairman Nick Brown commented on the frailty of the church wall and how necessary it is to ensure the protection of this valuable item with a suitable funding source.

More poignant is the imminent loss of the council’s long-term home, when the lease of the parish office expires in May 1918.

This will probably be the most pressing challenge in the near future and Coun Brown trusts Tattershall with Thorpe Parish Council will be able to work closely with the district council to find a permanent venue to ensure the continued presence of the community access point (CAP).

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One of the greatest losses during the last 12 months was the library, but the village has secured the mobile library service and grateful thanks went to Coun Harkus for her sterling efforts resulting in greater hours for the community.

Thanks also went to Coun Burr for dealing with the council’s website, making it more user-friendly and increasingly informative.

The newly-introduced electronic speed monitoring device will, hopefully, prove more durable than the fixed signs which have been put up in the village, but appear to have a limited life-span.

Finally, Coun Brown ended by thanking all those present around the table, but emphatically the clerk, Karen Elliott, for their hard work during the last year.

Coun Brown was re-elected as chairman for the coming year, with Coun Coulber as vice-chairman.

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