Trailblazers - that's towncouncillors!

Moves to give Horncastle Town Council the power to make some planning decisions should move a major step closer next month.

A recommendation that the town council takes responsibilty to decide on minor applications is due to go before East Lindsey District Council at their next full meeting in July. It follows the recent adoption of the Horncastle Neighbourhood Plan.

Should the move be approved, Horncastle would become only the second town council in the country to decide on all minor householder planning applications, all advertisements and change of use applications.

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The scheme would run for an initial trial of 18 months, with a review after 12 months.

The agreement would then be extendable on an annual basis.

All town councillors and clerks involved in the planning process would receive full training, which would be provided yearly by the District Council.

It is hoped that if the trial proves successful, other town/parish councils could potentially be granted similar powers in the future.

ELDC’s Portfolio Holder for Planning, Coun Tom Ashton, said: “ Town and Parish Councils are the most locally representative level of local government. It is right that we look at ways to give them a greater say in decisions affecting their local area.”