Allotment plots set to become a wildlife haven

Three flood-prone plots at Wyberton Low Road Cuckoo allotment site are to be turned into a community area and haven for wildlife.

The three plots cannot be let because they become waterlogged during the winter and spring seasons.

The scheme has already been recognised by Lincolnshire County Council with a wildlife grant. This has been used to buy hedging plants, grass seed and wildflower seed.

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A donation from Boston in Bloom paid for the plots to be ploughed in readiness for grass and wildflower seeds.

The allotments site sits alongside the community orchard set up in 2012 by Boston Borough Council for the diamond jubilee of The Queen’s coronation.

It is the largest in the borough with 100 plots and is popular – it’s self-managed and fully tenanted. And it does have its full quota of healthy home-grown fruit and veg.