Snow White and the Seven Dwarves float heading down Lumley Road.Snow White and the Seven Dwarves float heading down Lumley Road.
Snow White and the Seven Dwarves float heading down Lumley Road.

GALLERY: Carnival parade is fairytale come true for organisers

It really was a happy ending for organisers of Skegness Carnival when the annual parade finally came to town.

On the run-up to the fairytale-themed event, there had been all the drama you might expect – but it wasn’t make-believe with funding challenges, a mountain of paperwork to prepare and volunteers to get up to speed to name a few challenges.

And then when everything seemed in place, the travellers came to town taking over the car park used by coaches in Drummond Road.

That meant on the day there was the additional challenge of accomodating the coaches in Tesco car park where the floats were gathering – and then the news came through that the RNLI and coastguard had received a shout and had to be seen safely off site.

A few spots of rain that threatened the start were hardly noticed as the floats lined up to set off Richmond Drive, along Lumley Road and along the seafront.

And then as in all good fairy tales, the sun came out for the big finale. Hundreds of families lined the streets in what many were saying was the busiest day in Skegness all season. Certainly the wiggly worm sellers had done good trade, with nearly every child you saw dancing with them while waiting for the floats to appear.

When the moment came there were smiles, cheers and applaise for the parade which stretched beyond the full length of Lumley Road – even the RNLI and Coastguard had managed to get back in time.

Lincolnshire World met up with orgainers Janet Boultby and Caroline Miller afterwards in Tower Gardens, where a fun day was taking place, along with charity stalls.

Caroline said: “As the new organisers we are so pleased that in such a short amount of time we have managed to get all the paperwork in order and raised the funds needed to keep the carnival for another year.

"We are so grateful to the organisations and everyone who took the time to enter floats and support us.

"Next year we are planning a whole week of events.”

999 Day takes place on Wednesday, August 16, from 10am to 4pm. Representatives from the various emergency services will be in Tower Gardens, along with many charity stalls and entertainment.

That meant on the day there was the additional challenge of accomodating the coaches in Tesco car park where the floats were gathering – and then the news came through that the RNLI and coastguard had received a shout and had to be seen safely off site.

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